Reaping the Rewards of Routine in a P.E. Classroom!

A Look at My PE Routines

Greetings Health and P.E. Educators! Today, I am going to share my new beginning of class routine. But before I dive into it, I should give you an idea of what my students' routine used to be (the routine I inherited during my first year):


  • 5-8 minutes to change, shoot hoops, run around the gym, chat on the bleachers, etc.


  • 3 or so minutes to take attendance and move out to the auxiliary gym (the Play Shed)


  • Another 3-5 minutes to explain the fitness activity


  • Finally....start the fitness activity about 15-20 minutes after class officially began


As you can imagine, this routine drove me crazy. Kids were coming into my class with the mindset that P.E. = recess due to the craziness that went down during changing time. The flexibility and unstructured nature of the designated changing time made kids feel like changing was optional. Students played little-to-no role in the routine as it was mostly teacher-led. And most of all, it wasted soooooo much time! At the end of year one, I knew there was no way this routine would continue leading me to integrate this totally revamped routine:


P.E. Routine Poster.001

Download Routine Poster on TPT


With this student-led routine, about 15-20 minutes after class begins students have: taken their own attendance, warmed up + connected with friends (yay! for social wellness), completed their fitness activity (completely independent), and are now ready to learn and have some fun...all without me needing to give a single piece of instruction!!! Plus, while they run/walk for a song, I have the opportunity to connect with each student. I love it!


Of course, we (my students and I) didn't start reaping the rewards overnight! The first couples of weeks were quite painful. But I kept my expectations high and we weathered the storm. And now that we are six weeks into school, I can safely say that it has become a true routine and that I absolutely love the impact it's created on my overall classroom experience and culture.


Routine - Title Banner and rewards.002


What type of routine do you use to start your health and P.E. classes? Please share any ideas in the comments below!


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Hello. I'm  Janelle!

A middle school health teacher turned curriculum developer (and #WAHM). I'm on a mission to share the easiest-to-teach, most impactful health lesson plans on the Internet. Because your time and energy is better spent on teaching and connecting, not on planning and prep.


  1. Sandi Brubaker on January 13, 2022 at 6:36 am

    What do you have the kids do in their fitness groups? How many students per group? Do you pick them or do they?

    • Janelle Kay on March 1, 2022 at 1:04 pm

      Hey Sandi,

      In the past, I have used these fitness binders and the included activities. I usually have 3-5 students in a group. Depends on how larger the class is. I use the “Team Shake” app to make groups. I don’t let kids choose their own groups.

      Take care,

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