Dimensions of Health Lesson Plan Part 2


Dimensions of Health Lesson Plan Series // Part 1 // Part 3 --- Download on TpT


Hello! And welcome to part two of the Dimensions of Health Lesson Plan series. In first the installment of this series, I shared about the Dimensions of Health Learning Stations and focused on empowering students to foster a basic understanding of each component of health.


Just Post-It Components of Health - Preview photo, Health Lesson PLan

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In today's post, I am going to highlight students learning how each component connects to the other seven components. To teach my students about the interconnected nature of health, I created this Just Post-it Components of Health activity.


How It Works? 


It all starts with a poster of each component of health. The purpose of each poster is for students to understand how the components of health impact and influence one another. Each poster focuses on one specific component of health and presents guided questions for students to discuss and determine how the various components connect. Here's a break down of the poster:


Just Post-It- Components of Health Edition - cover photo.001

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In class, I divided students into groups. Normally, I let kids chose their own partners but for this activity I wanted to make sure they were equally paired. In their groups, students read through the guiding questions, discussed the answers, and then wrote how they thought the two stated components of health connected to each other on a Post-It®.



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For the most part, I was impressed with the students ability to take ownership of their learning and use the guiding questions to make connections. The Spiritual Health group was the only one that struggled. I find that students often get caught up thinking that Spiritual Health equals religion and that is not true. While religion plays a role, Spiritual Health is about living with purpose and meaning while upholding individual beliefs and values. In the future, I'll use the Spiritual Health poster as the example we do together as a class.


Final Thoughts


Overall, I was happy with this activity and I felt like it really helped my sixth graders better understand the interconnected nature of health. Additionally, these posters served as a helpful resource with my seventh and eighth grade students while they worked on their final project. More on the final project next time.


Components of Health Lesson Plan Series // Part 1 // Part 3


Components of Health Posters - Quote about Health.001

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Hello. I'm  Janelle!

A middle school health teacher turned curriculum developer (and #WAHM). I'm on a mission to share the easiest-to-teach, most impactful health lesson plans on the Internet. Because your time and energy is better spent on teaching and connecting, not on planning and prep.


  1. Cheryl on February 24, 2016 at 7:58 am

    Looks great! Learning about health when young impacts your whole life.

    • thejanellekay on February 27, 2016 at 9:43 am

      Yes, it does!

      Thanks for the positive words!!!

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